

Aug 4, 2020:

9:33 AM Ticket #258 (bug in BilanMigration BilanMigrationMult plot(type="standard")) closed by cedric
9:32 AM Ticket #258 (bug in BilanMigration BilanMigrationMult plot(type="standard")) created by cedric
The label was copied in fungraph from fungraph_civelle, so it was "number …

Aug 3, 2020:

2:07 PM Ticket #243 (custumize vignette stacomiR (title+ details)) closed by cedric
2:05 PM Ticket #247 (le graphique de bilan interannuel est bizarre) closed by cedric
2:02 PM Ticket #257 (problem of number in seaonal graph report_mig_interannual) closed by cedric
1:36 PM Ticket #257 (problem of number in seaonal graph report_mig_interannual) created by cedric
Seems the number is rong, 5 e+06 reported for glass eel in one week ???
12:17 PM Ticket #256 (bug affichage bmi civelles) closed by cedric
fixed: It was a problem of ggplot geom_bar no longer taking argument ymin ymax, …
9:24 AM Ticket #256 (bug affichage bmi civelles) created by cedric
Warning messages: 1: Ignoring unknown aesthetics: ymin, ymax 2: …
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