

Jun 29, 2018:

4:35 PM Ticket #239 (drop the "test" database and use another solution to make calculation) created by marion
The use of the "test" database to make some intermediate calculations for …
3:58 PM Ticket #238 (Add version of the dependencies in the description file of the package) created by marion
Improvement propose by ​Steffi_LaZerte who reviewed the paper on JOSS

Jun 22, 2018:

10:35 AM Ticket #237 (BUG d'affichage sur interface JAVA) created by bricesauvaget
Si on change le lot_lot_identifiant d'un lot pour une valeur inférieure à …

Jun 18, 2018:

10:25 AM Ticket #236 (erreur légende bilan argentées) created by sophie
il manque la légende pour les 3 premiers stades d'un bilan argentées
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.