Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#184 closed defect (fixed)

null pointer exception lors du passage d'une opération à l'autre

Reported by: cedric Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 44 Version_beta_test
Component: Programme Java Version: 0.4
Keywords: Cc:


Note = erreur interne l'affichage d'une opération a manqué
Certains paramètres n'apparaissent pas dans la table tr_valeurparametrequantitatif_qan.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by cedric

Erreur d'affichage pour le schéma migradour


Construction de la requête de test

SELECT par_code, par_nom from ref.tg_parametre_par

par_code, par_nom from ref.tg_parametre_par
INNER JOIN ref.tr_parametrequalitatif_qal
on tg_parametre_par.par_code = tr_parametrequalitatif_qal.qal_par_code


par_code, par_nom from ref.tg_parametre_par
INNER JOIN ref.tr_parametrequantitatif_qan

on tg_parametre_par.par_code = tr_parametrequantitatif_qan.qan_par_code


-- Les paramètres manquants sont tous quantitatifs
insert into ref.tr_parametrequantitatif_qan
SELECT par_code from ref.tg_parametre_par

par_code from ref.tg_parametre_par
INNER JOIN ref.tr_parametrequalitatif_qal
on tg_parametre_par.par_code = tr_parametrequalitatif_qal.qal_par_code


par_code from ref.tg_parametre_par
INNER JOIN ref.tr_parametrequantitatif_qan

on tg_parametre_par.par_code = tr_parametrequantitatif_qan.qan_par_code

); --6

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by cedric

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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